Saturday, September 5, 2009


So today (12/13) we took 2 more at home test to confirm that it's true. I took one more dollar store test that came out positive again and then I decided to take the expensive digital one. I woke up Craig to come watch the results with me. The digital test are COOL, it has a blinking hourglass while it is working and then all of the sudden BAM it said PREGNANT! Craig had mouth wash in his mouth so no scream came out but his face was scared...he was hoping that it was going to be a fluke...He is HAPPY about the baby...but NERVOUS about the changes to come.
A little later I was talking about plans for when the baby came and lets just say it was freaking Craig out and he said "let me get use to the idea first." So, I told him I would tone it down BUT that we were going to be telling our families in 12 days!!! We are going to tell them on Christmas...perfect timing on getting PREGO! Now I just have to figure out how we are going to tell them?????? All the ideas online are kind of LAME. I'm thinking about wrapping everyones gifts that we are giving them in Eggo boxes and writting "Lego my Eggo, Cyndi is PREGO!" but I don't know if that is lame too. URGH, I want it to be fun and cool and PERFECT!

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