Saturday, September 19, 2009

Day 41

Monday 9/14/09
Today you had your one month Doctor appointment and you have grown SO MUCH! You weighed 11 lbs. 10 oz., 21.5" Long, and 15.5" head circumference. You also got your Hepatitis B vaccination. While we were there I had a few questions for the Doctor, the biggest question I had was about you tongue. The conection under your tongue is very close to the tip of your tongue and I have been wondering if that will affect your speach in the future or if your tongue will grow. So I asked the Doctor to look at it and to tel me if it might need to be clipped. He looked and then said "I'm going to go get some scissors." Now I did not hear him say scissors and so I thought he was just going to get the shot, but when he came back I saw them in his hand and was SHOCKED. I said, "your going to do it now?" he said "yes it is a little tight." I didn't want to look but unfortunately I had to help him hold your arms down. It was one quick snip and he quickly gave you your shot in the leg. He then told me "pick him up and tell him you're sorry." I loved that because as your mom I want to protect you from EVERYTHING especially pain and so it is hard for me to watch you go through even a little pain like a vaccination even though I know in the long run it is good for you. So I snuggled you and then fed you and you calmed right down. You are such a brave boy. I love you so much!!!!


Janean said...

what a good mom! he is so cute and i think he looks like you..

Gramma Stewie said...

Ohhhhhh, so sad! Good pictures here of his Doctor's visit. Maybe next time you go, you can get a picture of Hunter with his doctor (like you did with the OB & you & Hunter). I like that his doctor is sensitive after he just does what he needs to do....pick him up and say I'm sorry. Sweet! Love you Hunter!!!! (cute boy)

Sharon said...

Wow, just like that he cut Hunter's tongue? I know that must have been hard to watch, but you're right; it's for his own good; he just didn't know that at the time. So, it's a done deal, right? His tongue will be good now?*S* Love you.