Saturday, September 5, 2009

It's Positive

This morning (12/12) I took a pregnancy test. I should have started my period a few days ago and it hasn't come yet and although we aren't really trying to get pregnant, we aren't trying hard not to. I want to have a baby and I have been trying to warm Craig up to the thought of it for a while. He let me stop birth control at the begining of October but I told him that we could still you condoms. Just in case I have been secretly keeping track of when we have "forgotten" or "choosen" not to use protection, because I don't know how fertil I am and you NEVER know. So in November CRAIG chose not to use it and it was bad timing for him...because the next day I checked to see if I was ovulating and it said it was ther PERFECT time for us to be trying. So, I told him that day..."just to let you know I am ovulation and there is a possiblity that I could become pregnant." So ever since that day I have been thinking about it constantly and as the date that I should be on my period drew closer I couldn't wait much longer. I went to the dollar store to buy a bunch of pregnancy tests. I took one a few days before (what should have been) my period but it came out negative. I knew it was to early to tell but who knows how good these things are...they are from the dollar store. So, I waited a few more days and my breasts were very tender and I was thinking this is so unusual I have to be pregnant. So I should have started my period on the 9th but I waited until the 12th (today) to take a test again. I did it first thing in the morning like it suggests and Craig was still in bed (we both slept in); and too my surprise BOTH lines showed up. I was freaking out inside...there were too many emotions I didn't even know what I was feeling...I don't keep secrets from Craig and since he is a little iffy about if we are ready to have kids or not I had to tell him right away. I had a half smile, half freaked out look on my face and I went to the bed and told him that I just took a test and it is positive...come see. He of course is skeptical and we are waiting a few more days to take another one but I on the other hand am so excited! I have been looking up info about pregnancy, how to tell your friends and family, finding a good OBGYN, and all sorts of prego things online...I can't help it...this is every girls dream. I am so excited about it and can't wait to see the doctor and tell my family and friends! Since Christmas is coming I am going to tell my family on Christmas! I can't WAIT!
BABY-We are so excited to watch you grow and can't WAIT to meet you in 9 months!

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