Saturday, September 5, 2009

Day 0

Tuesday 8/4/09

Today we had a scheduled induction at 6am at Desert Regional Hospital in Palm Springs, CA. I did not sleep much at all the night before. We had stayed up late hanging out with all your Aunts and then when I got home of course I’m trying to get more things ready before you come. So I finally went to bed and then woke up at 430am so I could get showered dressed, get my make-up on (so I could look good in pictures) and then before you know it we are off. We stopped at McDonalds for breakfast (which took forever and I started to get frustrated because it was making us late) but I was too nervous to eat. We got to the hospital and they checked us into the LDR (Labor, Delivery, and Recovery) room. I got hooked up on the monitors and I was already contracting on my own (I guess you knew you were supposed to come that day). I expected to get put on the pitocin drip right away but because I was already in labor they gave me a medicine that helped me dilate and efface faster. So, they gave me that medication twice in 4 hour intervals and checked me after each time. I was able to eat breakfast and lunch at the hospital which was nice because I thought that I wouldn’t be able to eat all day so that was a pleasant surprise. After the second dose of medicine Dr. Bodon came in to check me and she broke my water to help move things along. My contractions intensified and soon after I asked for the epidural. That is when I had to switch to clear liquids only. So I had yummy ice chips and popsicles. The epidural was EASY, people had me all freaked out about how big the needle is and saying it hurts. It did not hurt at all and I did not see the needle so who cares how big it is. The epidural worked really well, once it kicked in I was happy as a clam again. A few hours after I got the epidural I had to be put on the pitocin to keep my contractions high enough. Around 11pm the nurse checked me and I was at an 8 so I knew you would be coming soon. Then around midnight the epidural started to wear off and I was starting to REALLY feel the contractions. I asked about getting a boost to my epidural and they said it was too late because I was going to start pushing. So Mamma is STRONG because I felt everything while I pushed!

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