Monday, October 5, 2009

Day 56

Tuesday 9/29/09
Today Daddy had to go to some meetings out of town and he took our car, so we couldn't go anywhere. We had to meet up with the Bigler's to take their family photo, but on top of the fact that we didn't have a car, the stroller was in the trunk of the car, so I carried you in your carrier to the park...and boy you are getting heavy. I weighed you on our scale and you are pushing 13 or 14 pounds not. Our scale isn't digital so it is hard to read exactly, but I know you are GROWING!
Also, while we were playing today I was able to catch a GREAT smile picture! I LOVE that you are smiling at me more and more. You are also starting to play with your tongue is cute.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

What an adorable smile and what a great idea to keep this blog for Hunter; I"m sure I'll see it in a book someday! Love you!