Friday, October 2, 2009

Day 51

Thursday 9/24/09
Today you had a ROUGH day...something was making you not feel well at all. Normally you are an excellent night sleeper and were down to only waking up once a night, but last night you were up every 2 hours screaming. Most of the time you were not hungry, something was just bugging you inside and you needed to be comforted back to sleep. Then during the day you had similar problems. I have been reading my "Babies First Year" book and thought that maybe you could be dehydrated so I fed you A LOT today. Towards the end of the day I was nervous so I called the Doctor. He said he did not think you were dehydrated since you were having wet diapers and to wait through the night and if in the morning you were still having the same problems to call and make an appointment. After not having really any naps through the day you finally zonked out around 6pm and got a nap in. We will see how the night goes. I hope you feel better!!!!

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