Thursday, September 10, 2009

Day 34

Monday 9/7/09
Today is Labor Day so Daddy did not have to work so we slept in as long as we could...which really meant Daddy and I took turns taking care of you for a few extra hours this morning so we could rest a little. We also all hung out in the bed together for a while and you were beating daddy were punching him in the was cute. Then we all went to Ihop for breakfast. You were awake most of the time but you just chilled in your carseat and didn't make a peep. Then while you took your afternoon nap Daddy and I painted the dresser for your room.
Tonight we went over to hour friends house (The Ayres) and they have 2 little boys (4yrs and 1yr old) who were LOVING you. Both boys just wanted to look at you and touch all your hair. Everyone was constantly talking about how cute you are. It was a nice day together as a family.

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